Day 11 : Trend It Report It {Red Jeans}

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Hey Dolls!!! So today I have a Trend It Report It post!! So by a show of virtual hands how many people have seen or worn red skinny/jeggings???? I know I have! I'm always seeing people with red pants and I really want a pair!! Especially before the trend fades!!

I found this picture of Jessica Alba online one day. She's so chic! I love her style!!! If I had red jeans I would wear them like this as well! Just throw on a cute pair of heels or flats like the ones from Steve Madden or TOMS (in the picture above) and a cute tote bag like this one from Michael Kors! Oh and don't forget your Starbucks! You need to make sure your up and ready for the day looking fabulous! Not sleepy and tired from a long day of school or work from the other day!

I choose these three red pants to show on my blog because they are from 3 brands that I love to wear!

1. American Eagle Jeggings {$44.50} I saw these in American Eagle the other day and fell IN LOVE with them! I told my Mom I wanted them and she was like...ya..nice try haha! Sometimes she doesn't understand what's going on in my mind...but what is is the picture of Jessica Alba that I saw! I need them!! :D

2. Joe's Jean The Skinny {$158.00} I love Joe's Jeans and now that they have just about every color of jeans (that not going to lie I've been eyeing forever since I saw the ad in Teen Vogue Magazine!)

3. Fire Skinny Stretch Denim Jeans {$42.00} I love stretch jeans! They are so comfy! You know sometimes when it's that time of the month or sometimes you just eat that extra helping of delish food and feel that your jean's button is about to break and hit a piece glass so it cracks...(like from a movie haha!) Gotta love stretch jeans <3

Well I hope you enjoy this post! Tell me what you think of the Red pants trend!! Do you like it? Have you followed it?!



  1. Oooh colored jeans! I just bought a cobalt blue pair that I love. Red might have to be next! Jessica Alba looks fab in them!

  2. love it the bag is also nice!kisses La Folie 


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