Change Can Be Good!

Friday, October 18, 2013

Do you ever feel like you need to start over and revaluate your life. I must do this at least 3 times a year! All around the same time too! About this time, around my birthday and right before school starts. I like change! Change is good at times when it comes to oneself! (Changing places and friends, ect. is a whole different thing!) I like changing up my hair color, my clothes, and even my attitude! I guess it may come with the seasons and being a fashion design major fashion is always changing and so am I.

Right now for example...

I want my hair to look like this...


Pretty much both mixed together! 

My style to look like this...

and I need my attitude to be like this...


On top of that...I'm opening my Facebook again!!! I want to do a post a day like...shoe of the day or quotes of the day. Something that's cute like that! Send me ideas!!! FACEBOOK LIKE HERE!
I also have a TWITTER and YOUTUBE so check out the links by clicking on the capital social medias!

Lots of Love,