Girl Talk : EOS Vs. Sugar

Saturday, November 10, 2012

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Hey Everyone! Today I have a Girl Talk post for you. If you don't know what that is it's when I talk about different subjects (mostly makeup...) and tell you what I feel about it. Remember it's totally 100% my own opinion! I'm not being sponsored by any companies unless stated in the post as well. I just want to give you the advice I've found from over the years! 
Well, it's starting to get very cold where I live so lip balm is a must! No one wants chapped lips now do we...This past week I've been experimenting with different lip balms and I've come to a conclusion! But before I tell you I want to battle the two I've chosen. 

"EOS Lip Balm"

-Like the cute packaging. Always a convocation starter when I take it out and the person I'm with has never heard about it.  
-Like the flavor of the mint! I also have Summer Fruit and Strawberry Sorbet! But I think the mint one is my favorite!
-Like that it's 95% organic and 100% natural so there's nothing that can potentially kill me in the long run! ;D 
-Like the price! $2.99 at Target! I'll take that!

-Dislike that it's not smoother on my lips.
-Dislike that it doesn't stay on as long as I want it too.

So basically I like it but I don't at the same time. I think EOS should put something that will make your lips smoother in it like the Sugar lips one. Overall I do like it and will use it but not as much as Sugar. 

"Sugar Lip Treatment"

-Like the packaging! Nothing special but I like that it can fit in my pocket which I like. 
-Like that every time I use it my lips are very smooth! 
-Like that it has SPF 15

-The price....$28 for a mini sample of lip balms is a very high price but it's so good!

Overall I LOVE this product and hate to say this but I would deff pay the $28 for it. I got a sample of it for my birthday gift and absolutely LOVE it! 

I surgest both of these products to anyone! I really do! I would say use Sugar in the morning and at night and EOS during the day! Hope you enjoyed this post! Don't forget to comment what lip balms you like to use! 


  1. I just got my first EOS balm yesterday and I kinda love it. I agree that it doesn't stay as long on the lips but I do like the balm. I've never tried the sugar one but I've heard amazing things about it!

  2. I really want to try the EOS lip balms because everybody is always raving about it! I love the cute egg packaging!


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